Our services

"AmCham-Angola organises Inward and outward Trade Missions;

AmCham-Angola establishes relations with similar organizations and affiliates in national and international organizations;
Regular radio broadcast «Hora da AmCham» with our Members, with Government representatives  and / or private and public entities:


• Networking Breakfasts feature guest speakers, including government ministers, captains of industry, celebrities and authors.
• Cocktail Receptions.
• Business Luncheons.
• Briefings for visiting senior company representatives who are visiting Angola.

• Circulation of a monthly Parliamentary report on legislation that will impact members.
• AmCham Position Papers on topical subjects.
• Productive dialogue at Board level between the Angola government and U.S. business.
• Meetings with the Government.
• Comment submissions on policy.
• Oral presentations to Government.
• Meetings with Chairpersons of Parliamentary Portfolio Committees.

CEO Discussion Forum
Personal invites are sent to CEOs to discuss relevant topics in the business environment. All discussions are off the record.

Forums, conferences, workshops and webinars
AmCham hosts various forums based on thematic business issues. These activities are the ""engine room"" of AmCham. Our Forums enable members to learn from a cutting-edge speaker and solve challenges amongst peers. As they are aimed at subject matter experts to develop and empower this level of the worker.


We promote and strengthen commercial, economic, educational and cultural ties between the United States of America and Angola.

We promote the interests of our members; we promote and implement professional training activities in cooperation with Angolan and American companies; and foster the exchange of experiences with national and foreign counterparts."